Abstract Submission Guidelines

Abstracts for E-posters/oral presentations at CCPSL Annual Academic Sessions 2022 will be entertained from case reports/ case series and original research/audits based on topics related to Clinical Biochemistry/Chemical Pathology. All abstracts must be in accordance with the following guidelines. Abstracts can be submitted under two categories. (Either oral presentation or E-poster category and E-poster only category) Final decision of acceptance/rejection of abstracts will be made by the Abstract Review Committee.

Submission Timeline

Abstract Submission Opens :  21st  March 2022
Abstract Submission Deadline :  15th May 2022 at 12 noon
Author Notification of Acceptance      :  10th June 2022


1.The presenting author is required to register for the CCPSL Annual Academic Sessions 2022 following acceptance of the abstract by the Review Committee.
2. Any late submissions after the given deadline will not be entertained by the Abstract Review Committee.
3. Please ensure that you provide a valid email address and a contact number of the presenting author.
4. No payments should be done to submit an abstract.
5. There is no limit to the number of abstracts that one author can submit.
6. Abstracts should be thoroughly checked for correct spelling and grammar before finalizing the submission.
7. Abstracts will be reviewed by the Review Committee to match the criteria:
   - Originality and interest
   - Structure and clarity
   - Scientific validity
   - Potential significance


Common Abstract Format 


Word limit in thebody of the abstract (excludes title, authors, affiliations and keywords)

300 words. Abstracts over this limit will be asked to be revised to the word limit.

Font type Times New Roman
Font size 12 point
Line spacing 1.5
Title Maximum character limit - 150 characters without spaces
Font - Bold, Times New Roman, 12 point
Justification - Left justify
Abbreviations must not be used in the title.
Author(s) List of the names of all authors should be included below the title.
-  Surname followed by Initials. Eg: Silva JM, Perera TH
-  No prefixes (e.g. Dr/ Prof) should be included in the author's name
-  Name of the presenting author should be bolded and underlined.
Only the nominated presenting author should present the poster presentation and if selected, the oral presentation.
-  Include the name of the principal supervisor at the end of the list.
-  Each author's affiliation should be included following the list of names of all authors.
-  If more than one author and address, insert a superscript number at the end of the initials before the comma. (for each author)
-  Affiliations should be proceeded by the superscript
-  Email address of the corresponding author should be included below the affiliations.
-  Left justify

Eg: Silva JM1 , Perera TH2
1Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Medicine, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka
2Department of Chemical Pathology, Colombo North Teaching Hospital, Sri Lanka

 8. Following are not allowed.
      a. References
      b. Tables and figures

9. Use of brand/company names should be done in moderation.

E.g. Brand/company names may be mentioned in studies of analytical performance of a specific analyser (Establishing reference range for creatinine on "Brand X 459" assay)

10. Use abbreviations with restraint. Terms must be spelt fully the first time they appear.

Abstract  Submission Categories

Original Research/Audits
The abstract should be submitted in the following format.
1. Title and Author Information
  The title should summarize the abstract and convince the reviewer of the relevance and innovativeness of the work.

2. Introduction and objectives

  The introduction should provide a concise overview of the problem addressed by the research, what remains unknown and how your research would fill the gaps in the knowledge.

3. Methods

  Following areas shall be specifically be (remove) mentioned.
a. Study design
b. Study setting
c. Number of subjects enrolled in the study and any inclusion/exclusion criteria when applicable
d. A description of the intervention (when applicable)
e. A list of the outcome variables and how they were measured
f. Statistical methods used to analyze the data

4. Results


This should include a description of the subjects that were included and excluded from the study, frequencies of most important outcome variables, any comparisons of the outcome variables between various subgroups within the study (treated vs. untreated, young vs. old, male vs. female, and so forth). Numerical results should include standard deviations, 95% confidence limits and the level of statistical significance.


5. Conclusions


State concisely what can be concluded and its implications. The conclusions must be supported by the data presented in the abstract. Any unsubstantiated personal opinion should not be included. The generalizability of the results to populations other than that of studied and the weaknesses of the study should be addressed where applicable.


6. Key words: 2-5 key words


Click Here Submit Original Research/Audits


Case report/Case Series
A case report should be submitted in the following format.
1. Title and Author Information
  Key elements of the case should be mentioned in the title and might include presenting symptoms/ diagnosis/ intervention/ outcome. The phrase "Case report" should be present in the title.


2. Introduction
  A brief summary of the background and the context of the case report.


3. Case presentation
  a. Presenting concerns and important clinical findings of the patient
b. Diagnostic focus and assessment
   i. Diagnostic results
   ii. Diagnostic challenges
   iii. Relevant prognostic characteristics
c. Interventions, follow-up and outcomes


4. Discussion and conclusions
  The strengths and limitations associated with the case report, how conclusions were arrived at and the applicability of results to other patients should be summarized under this section. A "Take away" message from the case report should be mentioned if applicable.


5. Key words:2-5 key words


Click Here Submit Case Report / Case Series




College of Chemical Pathologists of Sri Lanka

No.112, Model Farm Road, Colombo 08.  Hotline : +94 76 7044871  Email : colchempath@gmail.com